Although most of France, and the Bordeaux region in particular, are considered to be fairly safe for tourists, all people traveling abroad in any country need to take some precautions in order to avoid becoming a victim of the tourist-aimed crime that seems to affect more and more travelers all the time in European cities. In order to do this in a place such as Bordeaux, where many tourists visit, try to avoid carrying more cash than you need, especially if you are out shopping or visiting attractions where there is little or no security. Do not wear expensive jewelry, and if staying in a hotel be sure to make use of your hotel's safe for your valuable items. Men should not carry wallets in their back pockets and women need to pay close attention to their bags while shopping and dining. Backpackers should keep their packs locked, especially while they are wearing them. Also, be especially alert in train stations, markets, and other places where large numbers of travelers congregate.
Bordeaux Weather
Bordeaux is in a temperate zone, far enough north to experiences all four seasons. During the winter months, the region's days can be quite short, with the average number of sunlight hours hovering between two and three in December and January. Bordeaux can also get quite cold during the winter, the temperature often plummeting below the freezing mark.
The region has pleasant and warm spring weather and sometimes hot summers; the average temperature during July and August being around 85 degrees F. Daylight in the summer, between June and August, averages between eight and nine hours. Fall in Bordeaux is also pleasant, with warm daytime temperatures and cool evenings.
Bordeaux gets most of its precipitation during the winter months, its summers being relatively dry in comparison. It can, and does, however rain in the region at all times of year.
Bordeaux Tourist Board
Discover Bordeaux, the official tourism website of the Bordeaux region of France, is a great place for those who are thinking of visiting the area to begin gathering information. This website is available to read in French or in English and offers an extensive amount of information--more that what is normally offered by tourist board websites--for free.
At Discover Bordeaux potential visitors can read about the region's rich history and learn about its centuries old wine-making traditions. The area's three UNESCO World Heritage Sites, the Saint-André Cathedral, the Saint-Seurin Basilica, and the Saint Michel Basilica, are all profiled on the website, complete with beautiful photos. In addition, the Discover Bordeaux website provides news headlines from area publications, especially about those things which would concern and interest tourists.
Along with these extras, the Bordeaux website also provides more traditional tourism information such as places to stay, things to do, shopping and dining listings, weather reports, and transportation listings.